Performance Bar

A Performance Bar can be displayed, to dig into the performance of a page. When activated, it looks as follows:

Performance Bar

It allows you to see (from left to right):

On the far right is a request selector that allows you to view the same metrics (excluding the page timing and line profiler) for any requests made while the page was open. Only the first two requests per unique URL are captured.

Request warnings

For requests exceeding pre-defined limits, a warning icon will be shown next to the failing metric, along with an explanation. In this example, the Gitaly call duration exceeded the threshold:

Gitaly call duration exceeded threshold

If any requests on the current page generated warnings, the icon will appear next to the request selector:

Request selector showing two requests with warnings

And requests with warnings are indicated in the request selector with a (!) after their path:

Request selector showing dropdown

Enable the Performance Bar via the Admin panel

GitLab Performance Bar is disabled by default. To enable it for a given group, navigate to Admin Area > Settings > Metrics and profiling (admin/application_settings/metrics_and_profiling), and expand the section Profiling - Performance bar.

The only required setting you need to set is the full path of the group that will be allowed to display the Performance Bar. Make sure Enable the Performance Bar is checked and hit Save to save the changes.

Once the Performance Bar is enabled, you will need to press the p + b keyboard shortcut to actually display it.

You can toggle the Bar using the same shortcut.

GitLab Performance Bar Admin Settings