Review Apps

Review Apps is a collaboration tool that takes the hard work out of providing an environment to showcase product changes.


Review Apps:

Review Apps Workflow

In the above example:

How Review Apps work

A Review App is a mapping of a branch with an environment. Access to the Review App is made available as a link on the merge request relevant to the branch.

The following is an example of a merge request with an environment set dynamically.

Review App in merge request

In this example, a branch was:

After adding Review Apps to your workflow, you follow the branched Git flow. That is:

  1. Push a branch and let the Runner deploy the Review App based on the script definition of the dynamic environment job.
  2. Wait for the Runner to build and deploy your web application.
  3. Click on the link provided in the merge request related to the branch to see the changes live.

Configuring Review Apps

Review Apps are built on dynamic environments, which allow you to dynamically create a new environment for each branch.

The process of configuring Review Apps is as follows:

  1. Set up the infrastructure to host and deploy the Review Apps (check the examples below).
  2. Install and configure a Runner to do deployment.
  3. Set up a job in .gitlab-ci.yml that uses the predefined CI environment variable ${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} to create dynamic environments and restrict it to run only on branches.
  4. Optionally, set a job that manually stops the Review Apps.

Review Apps examples

The following are example projects that demonstrate Review App configuration:

See also the video Demo: Cloud Native Development with GitLab, which includes a Review Apps example.

Route Maps

Introduced in GitLab 8.17. In GitLab 11.5, the file links are available in the merge request widget.

Route Maps allows you to go directly from source files to public pages on the environment defined for Review Apps.

Once set up, the review app link in the merge request widget can take you directly to the pages changed, making it easier and faster to preview proposed modifications.

Configuring Route Maps involves telling GitLab how the paths of files in your repository map to paths of pages on your website using a Route Map. Once set, GitLab will display View on ... buttons, which will take you to the pages changed directly from merge requests.

To set up a route map, add a file inside the repository at .gitlab/route-map.yml, which contains a YAML array that maps source paths (in the repository) to public paths (on the website).

Route Maps example

The following is an example of a route map for Middleman, a static site generator (SSG) used to build GitLab's website, deployed from its project on

# Team data
- source: 'data/team.yml' # data/team.yml
  public: 'team/' # team/

# Blogposts
- source: /source\/posts\/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-(.+?)\..*/ # source/posts/
  public: '\1/\2/\3/\4/' # 2017/01/30/around-the-world-in-6-releases/

# HTML files
- source: /source\/(.+?\.html).*/ # source/index.html.haml
  public: '\1' # index.html

# Other files
- source: /source\/(.*)/ # source/images/blogimages/around-the-world-in-6-releases-cover.png
  public: '\1' # images/blogimages/around-the-world-in-6-releases-cover.png

Mappings are defined as entries in the root YAML array, and are identified by a - prefix. Within an entry, there is a hash map with two keys:

The public path for a source path is determined by finding the first source expression that matches it, and returning the corresponding public path, replacing the \N expressions with the values of the () capture groups if appropriate.

In the example above, the fact that mappings are evaluated in order of their definition is used to ensure that source/index.html.haml will match /source\/(.+?\.html).*/ instead of /source\/(.*)/, and will result in a public path of index.html, instead of index.html.haml.

Once you have the route mapping set up, it will take effect in the following locations:

"View on env" button in merge request diff

"View on env" button in file view

Visual Reviews (STARTER)

Introduced in GitLab Starter 12.0.

With Visual Reviews, you can provide a feedback form to your Review Apps so that reviewers can post comments directly from the app back to the merge request that spawned the Review App.

Configuring Visual Reviews

Ensure that the anonymous_visual_review_feedback feature flag is enabled. Administrators can enable with a Rails console as follows:


The feedback form is served through a script you add to pages in your Review App. If you have Developer permissions to the project, you can access it by clicking the Review button in the Pipeline section of the merge request.

review button

The provided script should be added to the <head> of you application and consists of some project and merge request specific values. Here's what it looks like:


Ideally, you should use environment variables to replace those values at runtime when each review app is created:

For example, in a Ruby application, you would need to have this script:


Then, when your app is deployed via GitLab CI/CD, those variables should get replaced with their real values.

NOTE: Note: Future enhancements are planned to make this process even easier.

Determining merge request ID

The visual review tools retrieve the merge request ID from the data-merge-request-id data attribute included in the script HTML tag used to add the visual review tools to your review app.

​After determining the ID for the merge request to link to a visual review app, you can supply the ID by either:​​

Using Visual Reviews

After Visual Reviews has been enabled for the Review App, the Visual Reviews feedback form is overlaid on the app's pages at the bottom-right corner.

Visual review feedback form

To use the feedback form:

  1. Make a comment on the visual review. You can make use of all the Markdown annotations that are also available in merge request comments.
  2. Submit your feedback anonymously or add your name.
  3. Finally, click Send feedback.

After you make and submit a comment in the visual review box, it will appear automatically in the respective merge request.


Review App limitations are the same as environments limitations.