Importing issues from CSV

Introduced in GitLab 11.7.

Issues can be imported to a project by uploading a CSV file with the columns title and description, in that order.

The user uploading the CSV file will be set as the author of the imported issues.

NOTE: Note: A permission level of Developer, or higher, is required to import issues.

Prepare for the import

Import the file

To import issues:

  1. Navigate to a project's Issues list page.
  2. If existing issues are present, click the import icon at the top right, next to the Edit issues button.
  3. For a project without any issues, click the button labeled Import CSV in the middle of the page.
  4. Select the file and click the Import issues button.

The file is processed in the background and a notification email is sent to you once the import is complete.

CSV file format

When importing issues from a CSV file, it must be formatted in a certain way:

Sample CSV data:

My Issue Title,My Issue Description
Another Title,"A description, with a comma"
"One More Title","One More Description"

File size

The limit depends on the configuration value of Max Attachment Size for the GitLab instance.

For, it is set to 10 MB.